


Greetings to All,

Welcome to all dear readers and well-wishers.

It is historical because we are in the Centenary year of AICUF. We are 100 years young, marching with enthusiasm to create hope filled future. On November 26, 1948, AICUF got accepted and recognised as a Catholic Youth Movement by the CBCI. Today, we witness the growth of AICUF which was sown as a small seed, has grown into a fruitful and meaningful tree across 14 states in our country. Here, we present before you a glimpse of the origin, the struggles, challenges and growth of AICUF as we view it......

A tiny seed was planted in the year 1924 by one foresighted and a visionary person FR. P. CARTY SI. at St. Joseph's College Trichy. Initially, known as CYMG (Catholic Young Men's Guild) which focussed on the overall development of students through prayer, reflection, group study, reading, and writing in order to develop future leaders who can help to build a better society. From the very beginning to give shape to the thoughts, ideas and views of the students this iconic students' magazine THE KINGS RALLY was born. Late it came to be called as "RALLY". CYMG spread its wings to southern states and came to be called SICUF (South Indian Catholic University Federation) in 1937 and eventually, it expanded its ideals and values among students across India and came to be called as All India Catholic University Federation (AICUF) in 1947 as one of the National Student movements.

This national movement got affiliated to PAX ROMANA-IMCS (International Movement of Catholic Students) in 1938. The seed that was planted by Fr. Carty grew into a tree and nurtured by Jesuits, lay animators and Students came to be recognized by The CBCI (Catholic Bishop's Conference of India) and officially named AICUF on November 26, 1948 by the letter from Archbishop Louis Mathias, of Madras-Mylapore who was the head of the CBCI desk on Higher Education and Culture. In the year 1951, Fr Pierre Ceyrac gave a new direction and focused on leading students towards social activities, work, and relief camps along with reading, reflection, and action. Fr. Ceyrac is known as the second founder of the movement, who took the movement to the students in different parts of the country. He is the one who shifted the AICUF Secretariat from St. Joseph's Trichy to the present location at AICUF House, 52, Sterling Road, Chennai-34, Fr. P. Ceyrac was succeeded by another simple and visionary person Fr Claude D'Souza SJ who took the movement to another level of social awareness and critical thinking, based on Action-Reflection) -Action. During this period came the famous Poonamalle Declaration (1970), the Goa statement (1971), and Project know India 1(1972). He also established the base for knowledge. research and critical thinking that is the AICUF - Documentation centre. The legacy was strengthened and further carried forward by Fr Leo Tagore (1982-88) and Fr Alphonse (1989-96). Fr. Manu brought in the skills of critical social analysis, outreach camps and perspectives of the marginalised groups in AICUF thinking. The new AICUF constitution was framed and accepted in 1989 AICUF National Convention. It gave principles, policies and strategies to develop and to provide leadership training and social analysis to students. They were also vocal in taking up issues of the marginalized people. The ideology of Liberalization, Privatisation and Globalisation popularly known as LPG permeated in every sphere of life in the world in the 1990s and the following decades till today and has taken deep root in the world and in our country. This had great impact on students in their thinking pattern, social and economic behaviour and choices they make.

AICUF movement was guided by Fr. K. Amal SJ (1996-2003) and Fr. Henry Jerome SJ (2003-2010) at the end of 20 century and at the beginning of the 21st century. The trends of taking up issues of the students' rights, marginalized groups and giving importance to the different languages and culture was very visible in AICUF during this time.

It was also a period of Conventions starting with 4th National Convention in 1999 at Loyola College, First AICUF Women National Convention at St. Xavier's College, Ahmedabad in 2005, AICUF National Dalit Convention at St. Patrick's, Secunderabad 2006, First AICUF Adivasi Yuva Chetna Manch National Convention at St. Xavier's College, Ranchi in 2007 and 5 AICUF National Convention at Loyola College Chennai in 2010 At this same period Information, Communication and Technology grew in leaps and bounds in the world and in our country bringing sweeping changes in every sphere of human life in the world. The country also witnessed social, political and economic changes and followed by Covid Pandemic etc. It is at this crucial juncture Fr. S. Selvin S.J (2010-2013) and Fr. S. Emmanuel SJ (2014-2021) took charge and guided this movement It is here AICUF needs to reflect and bring changes for the growth of the movement. While the ICT, digitalization grew and the students have to adopt to the changing conditions of the world in academic and non-academic aspects of life, AICUF seems to continue its normal mode of functioning including its secretariat. Certainly, a small seed sown as CYMG grew into SICUF and later as AICUF and has spread it wings to different parts of the country and bearing witness to the message of justice, peace, love, equality and fraternity in and through AICUFers spread all over the world. We are at a very critical times of our country which is facing rapid socio-political changes, leading to economic and constitutional crisis in society. AICUF is at the cross roads trying to find its way forward to sail through this rapid changes that is happening and march forward to centenary of AICUF and beyond with new vigour and enthusiasm. It is at this crucial period in our history, the present AICUF team led by the National Advisor is striving to break new paths to guide the movement to the changing times. We have begun with a new found hope in students who are ever ready to march with innovation, creativity and daring to take risks after Covid Pandemic both in academic, social, political and spiritual activities.

This celebration of AICUF Centenary is a step in the right direction towards Centenary and beyond. We are in the process of reimagining and reinventing AICUF in the present day world. We are glad that all of you, AICUFers, well-wishers and supporters of AICUF have joined us, on this historical occasion in solidarity. Let us, together march forward in the mission of accompanying youth in this new digitalized and challenging world of ours, reaffirming our pledge as AICUFers that "we are born in an unjust society but we are determined not to leave it as we have found it"
